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The Advantages of Laser Treatment for Varicose Veins

2024-09-04 16:06:36

Choosing a dual-wavelength laser system like the Laseev 980nm + 1470nm for Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT) of varicose veins can offer several advantages:
Versatility: The 980nm wavelength has comparable absorption in both water and blood, making it a strong all-around tool for various surgical applications. Its 30W output ensures sufficient power for effective endovascular treatments.
Precision and Safety: The 1470nm wavelength is characterized by its higher absorption in water, which allows for more precise targeting of the vein wall with less thermal spread to surrounding tissues. This can minimize potential collateral damage to nearby structures, such as nerves and skin, enhancing patient safety and comfort.
Combined Benefits: Using both wavelengths together can provide a balance between the robustness of the 980nm for effective treatment and the precision of the 1470nm for minimizing side effects. This combination can potentially lead to better clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction.

Regarding the EVLT procedure:
Local Anesthesia: The area around the varicose vein is numbed using a local anesthetic to ensure the patient's comfort during the procedure.
Access to the Vein: A guidewire is inserted into the vein, followed by a catheter, allowing for the introduction of the laser fiber.
Laser Fiber Placement: The laser fiber is positioned within the catheter so that its tip is near the area of the vein that requires treatment.
Anesthesia Delivery: Additional local anesthetic is administered around the vein to prevent pain and to help separate the vein from adjacent tissues.
Laser Application: The laser is activated and slowly withdrawn, heating the vein from the inside, causing it to collapse and seal shut.
Closure: After the treatment, the laser fiber and catheter are removed, and the entry point is covered with a dressing.
Additional Treatments: Smaller tributary veins might require additional procedures such as sclerotherapy to achieve optimal results.
This minimally invasive procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis and can be completed relatively quickly, with patients often returning to normal activities soon after.